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Humanum Genus

Humanum Genus

Regular price $6.00 USD
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Unmask Freemasonry with Pope Leo XIII

What we call the “modern world” did not came out of nowhere, out of a spontaneous process of natural “progress” as we so often hear. It is specifically the result of a coordinated effort from organized forces, notably Freemasonry, to destroy the foundations of Christendom and replace it with the society we know today, where freedom of thought, freedom of religion, or freedom of doing whatever we want has become more sacred than anything, more sacred than God himself, more sacred than marriage, family, or the right of babies to live. Western society is now based upon the lie that sovereignty has its only source in the people, so that the people, through democracy, can declare something is true or good in spite of the laws of God. 

If this sounds like a “conspiracy theory” to you, well, Pope Leo XIII is the conspiracy theorist. In this masterful encyclical, the Pope warns Catholics against the pervasive influence of Freemasonry and its naturalistic doctrines, destroying any kind of virtue and religion under the disguise of philanthropy or humanitarianism. For the venerable Pope, it was of utmost importance “to tear away the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is”. 

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